Thank you 2024, Hello 2025!
When you are thankful for a year and ready to say “Hello” to the next year.
The five things business owners should be thankful for in 2024 and five things to say “hello” to in 2025.
Be thankful for all the customers who chose to purchase your product or service. There is so much competition right now with the global market of online shopping. We need to be grateful for the local shoppers who are making decisions to shop local.
Be thankful for pivots that move you from where you were going to a new direction. Pivots can open up doors of opportunities that you wouldn’t experience if you had stayed stuck.
Be thankful for the gifts and talents you have to be a business owner. Not everyone can do what you are doing. The gift, the passion, the innovation and the vision!
Be thankful you live in America and are able to own your business. Yes, I know you aren’t thankful for the taxes, but think about the better ways we could spend the tax revenue. By the way, we need more business owners in politics.
Be thankful for your team. You alone are not able to make your business successful. It takes a team to complete a dynamic operation.
HELLO 2025
Hello to new opportunities in 2025 that you can’t even imagine will happen to grow your business financially.
Hello to new staff and contractors who will be bring innovation to marketing, human resources, accounting, sales and production.
Hello to disruptive change that will create novel products and services from your business.
Hello to grit, courage, growth mindset, consistency, balance and health for stability of leadership.
Hello to customers and clients who will ensure we deliver their expectations and they will be returning customers.
Original writing and not created by chatGPT.